Ascii table

Abbreviated from American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encoding standard for electronic communication. ASCII codes represent text in computers, telecommunications equipment, and other devices. Because of technical limitations of computer systems as the time it was invented, ASCII has just 128 code points, of which only 95 are printable characters, which severely limited its scope. All modern computer systems instead use Unicode, which has millions of code points, but the first 128 of these are the same as the ASCII set.

Dec Hex Bin Char
0 0 00000000 NUL
1 1 00000001 SOH
2 2 00000010 STX
3 3 00000011 ETX
4 4 00000100 EOT
5 5 00000101 ENQ
6 6 00000110 ACK
7 7 00000111 BEL
8 8 00001000 BS
9 9 00001001 HT
10 a 00001010 LF
11 b 00001011 VT
12 c 00001100 FF
13 d 00001101 CR
14 e 00001110 SO
15 f 00001111 SI
16 10 00010000 DLE
17 11 00010001 DC1
18 12 00010010 DC2
19 13 00010011 DC3
20 14 00010100 DC4
21 15 00010101 NAK
22 16 00010110 SYN
23 17 00010111 ETB
24 18 00011000 CAN
25 19 00011001 EM
26 1a 00011010 SUB
27 1b 00011011 ESC
28 1c 00011100 FS
29 1d 00011101 GS
30 1e 00011110 RS
31 1f 00011111 US
32 20 00100000 space
33 21 00100001 !
34 22 00100010 "
35 23 00100011 #
36 24 00100100 $
37 25 00100101 %
38 26 00100110 &
39 27 00100111 '
40 28 00101000 (
41 29 00101001 )
42 2a 00101010 *
43 2b 00101011 +
44 2c 00101100 ,
45 2d 00101101 -
46 2e 00101110 .
47 2f 00101111 /
48 30 00110000 0
49 31 00110001 1
50 32 00110010 2
51 33 00110011 3
52 34 00110100 4
53 35 00110101 5
54 36 00110110 6
55 37 00110111 7
56 38 00111000 8
57 39 00111001 9
58 3a 00111010 :
59 3b 00111011 ;
60 3c 00111100 <
61 3d 00111101 =
62 3e 00111110 >
63 3f 00111111 ?
64 40 01000000 @
65 41 01000001 A
66 42 01000010 B
67 43 01000011 C
68 44 01000100 D
69 45 01000101 E
70 46 01000110 F
71 47 01000111 G
72 48 01001000 H
73 49 01001001 I
74 4a 01001010 J
75 4b 01001011 K
76 4c 01001100 L
77 4d 01001101 M
78 4e 01001110 N
79 4f 01001111 O
80 50 01010000 P
81 51 01010001 Q
82 52 01010010 R
83 53 01010011 S
84 54 01010100 T
85 55 01010101 U
86 56 01010110 V
87 57 01010111 W
88 58 01011000 X
89 59 01011001 Y
90 5a 01011010 Z
91 5b 01011011 [
92 5c 01011100 \
93 5d 01011101 ]
94 5e 01011110 ^
95 5f 01011111 _
96 60 01100000 `
97 61 01100001 a
98 62 01100010 b
99 63 01100011 c
100 64 01100100 d
101 65 01100101 e
102 66 01100110 f
103 67 01100111 g
104 68 01101000 h
105 69 01101001 i
106 6a 01101010 j
107 6b 01101011 k
108 6c 01101100 l
109 6d 01101101 m
110 6e 01101110 n
111 6f 01101111 o
112 70 01110000 p
113 71 01110001 q
114 72 01110010 r
115 73 01110011 s
116 74 01110100 t
117 75 01110101 u
118 76 01110110 v
119 77 01110111 w
120 78 01111000 x
121 79 01111001 y
122 7a 01111010 z
123 7b 01111011 {
124 7c 01111100 |
125 7d 01111101 }
126 7e 01111110 ~
127 7f 01111111 DEL

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